Those who watched Friends will get the title of this post. If I am Ross then Trading is my Rachel.
I traded Monday and realised that my Mindset was still not free of the negativity of the prior week and the losses. I just couldn't shake it. My account was at the lowest it has been since I started trading, and I had to take action. In taking action it lead to a change of perspective which has helped greatly, but which without the break I don't think I would've ever seen.
So the action I took was to take no action. I took the week off of trading. We went on a break. In fact I took the week off of almost everything. I laid in. I didn't meditate. I went for walks. I relaxed completely and it felt pretty damn good. But there is one thing I didn't stop doing. I still looked at the markets every night and tracked my strategy to see how it 'would've' performed had I been trading, and it returned a profit. Sitting here now writing this I can see that taking this week off was so important, more important than any points I may have made. As I said previously, it allowed me to change my perspective. To reflect. To let go of all the negative thoughts and feelings. It refreshed me and now I feel ready not only for the week to come, but the weeks to come. Win or lose. I need to have faith in my strategy, even in times of darkness, because it does work. It is profitable. I am profitable. I just need to remind myself of this more often.
