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Progress over results...

Firstly, another positive week and another week that I am happy and proud of the way I traded and approached the markets. Yes, I left points in the market because I still struggle to stay in a trade, but, it is so much easier to stay in a trade when looking at it in hindsight, than it is in the moment. I honestly think though that that is something that will get easier with time and experience, but will never truly be mastered. When this happens I remind myself of what I have come to believe are two of the most important considerations when trading, two of my beliefs -

Once a trade has been closed, it's closed. Never have remorse. You cannot go back so always look forward and look for the next entry and the next trade.
Your job is make points when you trade, but remember, you don't have to make all the points.

That last sentence in particular is the one that I consider most important. It's with this in mind that I bring attention to the number in the green circle. It is only 7 points away from the purely psychological and not actually relevant amount of £500. In the past I would've chased those 7 points trying desperately to scalp them on the 1 min chart, only usually to lose and then need 12 or 13 points. Then I'd take another quick nervous trade, make back maybe 6 points only to then fail again and lose 3 or 4 and so on and so on until I eventually saw reason and stopped the madness. But not today. In fact I closed a trade (prematurely) which would've made me those 7 points and some, but instead of regretting it, I simply acknowledged that my session time was over, that I'd traded well and I'd displayed, in my opinion, great patience in my trading all week and so with a smile on my face I closed my broker.

Those simple thought's and actions show me that I have matured mentally, they show me that I have and am progressing, and that is all that truly matters.


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