Another week in the black and another week showing profit. Things are moving in the right direction, and not just from the perspective of my account balance, but from a mental perspective.
I only took 5 trades this week. 5. That's all.
Sure, there were trades that I placed in the moment which didn't trigger so I deleted them, but a they don't count as actual trades because of that. This is exactly where I want my trading to be. I want to be patient. Very...patient.
In fact on my list of I guess you could call them, affirmations, that I read every morning before placing a trade, the very first one is -
Super human patience is what makes money in trading.
It's something I am sure I read in Tom Hougaard's book Best Loser Wins, or if not in the book then it is from an anecdote he shared in a video, He was working at a brokerage and there was another trader there whom he admired greatly because he had the patience to sit and watch the market all day and if an opportunity or a signal didn't show up, he didn't trade, and Tom would find himself trying to compete with this trader in terms of patience. This story stuck with me more so than a lot of other things I have come across with regards to how to trade. In fact, I would consider it one of my trading beliefs. I did however have one small moment on Friday in which I could've made considerably more points, but I entered a trade from a somewhat fearful perspective and as such I hadn't fully accepted that if it lost, then it lost. The market was quite erratic, so much so that I witnessed a 20 point gap up open on the 5 minute DAX chart! This I know is what lead to me trading fearfully. But, it is what it is. I realised it after the fact and I will be conscious to watch for it in the future and do my best to avoid doing it again. That is all I can and should do.
But for now, my focus is on continuing to be patient.
Super Humanly so...