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Patience is a virtue...

It may not look like a great week in terms of points made (why do I feel like I write that quite often...? Hmmm...) but in terms of being patient, it was very good.

In total this week I only took 8 trades for the whole week! In weeks gone by this would've been less than I would've taken in a single morning! Also this week I woke up on Wednesday and realised I was in a mood, for what reason I have no idea, but in acknowledging this fact, I decided I was not going to trade, because when I have traded in the past with a less than ideal mindset, things have....unravelled...shall we say. However, as could've been predicted, had I traded, I could've potentially had a very nice 40 point trade. It is what it is. I know that everything is happening as it is meant to, so this was not meant to be which I accept. It's seems like it's always the way though, right? When you decide not to do something, is when you would've made the greatest progress?

However, if you allow coincidences to influence your thinking, which is simply what that was, then this is when you end up over thinking, over trading and then forcing positions, and that is a slippery slope, as I can attest to.

Anyways, there is no guarantee that I would've stayed in the trade long enough to realise those forty points, because without going back over the actual second by second movement of the candle using Soft4FX, I may have closed it way before, especially if it was 20+ points in profit, and then began to retrace.

So all in all, this was a great week in terms of where I personally want to be with regards to my trading, even if I would've liked my account to have been a little bit fuller.


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