The title sums it up. I let myself down badly this week as I failed to follow my strategy, and I didn't trade with neither patience nor discipline. I still set stops and cut losers but my focus and my mindset were elsewhere and I am not sure why? I think in hindsight, I was pushing it too much and so refusing to acknowledge that my strategy is not effective when the markets are in a trading range, until it was too late and so I was allowing FOMO and FEAR, coupled with emotion, to guide my trading. This together with the fact that I have gone from getting back to over £600 and feeling confident a few weeks ago, too again dipping back below £500 with no confidence. However, I know now though that I need to adapt my strategy (in fact I need to create a separate strategy.) within the markets and consider 'scalping' instead of 'trading' on those days and accepting that in doing so I will not always make good profit, if any at all, and that this is just a part of the landscape of trading.
No strategy works 100% of the time.
I think because I have unrealistic expectations of myself that I allow FEAR and FOMO to magnify my emotions when I am not doing as well as I feel I should be, and this leads leads to where I am right now.
Acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step in fixing it...