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Letting go...

That's what I've done this week. I've let go. I've released the pressure on myself and my trading. Instead of forcing myself to take trades, I've been patient. I've watched and waited. I've watched signals be generated, and I've sat, stoic, and watched the market move without me (still very hard to do!). I've made points and then instead of making myself continue trading because it wasn't enough, I've closed the broker and gotten on with my day. I've removed the temptation to trade on my mobile by deleting the app. Admittedly, this is because of a faux par on my part, when I had a small losing morning (-9 points) and tried to make it back trading at work, but that error made me realise that in order to commit fully to this change in my approach to my trading, I needed to make physical changes as well as mental ones. I've let go of the end result and instead I'm focussed on the journey, here and now, as it happens trade by trade. I'm present.

And let me tell you, it...feels...amazing! I have no stresses. I have no pressure. I come and go as I please within the market, and it is like a revelation! Also, and this is quite important, I solely trade the DAX now. No more FTSE. Primarily because an average trade in the FTSE had a 10-15 point stop loss, and unfortunately that made it very difficult to Flip the Switch if I got stopped out as a lot of the time, the FTSE only moves 15 odd points. It just doesn't have the volatility nor the volume to make it worthwhile. The DAX however has both, although not every day but 9 times out of 10, so it is a much better market to trade in that respect. Also it is easier to just focus my attention on the one market which in turn makes trading easier. I made 24 points this week. Happy days. Of course I would like to make more, who wouldn't, but now I have no specific timeline, no deadline if you like of when I want to be trading at a certain size, so I'm happy with that. It's a win, and all wins no matter how small, add up, and in time, they become something big, and one day that's what will happen. I'll wake up and suddenly realise that I'm finally where I wanted to be all the way back when I started this journey, and it happened without me even realising because I've let go. As the amazing Jim Carey said -

Most of the energy people lose is because their future travelling in their brain, and I'm really no where but here. Being in this moment frees you from the entanglements. All discomfort comes from future travelling, from trying to fix the future.


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