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Just when you think you've cracked it...

The market has a way that it reminds you that you need to stay humble. This week was a strange one. It resulted in a small loss (17 points) and I only managed to trade three days because I had a dental appointment in London on Tuesday, and the DAX was closed Easter Friday which I didn't realise. That said, the three days I did trade on were somewhat of a mixed bag, not so much in results, but in the execution of my trades and my emotional control. I realised something I was doing that over time has cost me dearly, which I am now aware of I will make sure I no longer do (see blog post titled - In the words of Jim Bowen), but not only that, I let emotion control some of my decisions which resulted in flustered trading. For example, I went to close a trade in the DAX but accidentally added to it. Then instead of closing it immediately, I sat and traded it without a stop (only a mental one - WTF?) and when it crossed that level it still took me a few seconds to close it. In that moment I basically traded like the 90% but quickly realised and stopped myself. I closed trades too early after having taken a prior loss and cost myself some points. On the whole though, my trading was good. I didn't hesitate to act when a signal was generated, I moved my stops as and when the market allowed, I was patient and waited when the market looked to be in a horrible trading range, and most importantly, I addressed a problem I was unaware of which was costing me dearly. I was looking forward to trading Friday, but couldn't due to the holidays, so my confidence is still where it should be and I am looking forward to next week.


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