Not in a major way but in a way that should never have happened and ended up costing me considerable points.
I trade both the DAX and the FTSE simultaneously and sometimes, if there's a little volatility, it can get a little hectic. Add to this that I only use one screen for both markets (there's no need to have a bank of screens like the deck of the USS Enterprise) and sometimes, things can be missed. This was not a missed trade but an incorrect entry. Whilst considering my entry in a FTSE trade I was also considering a DAX trade. The last two digits in their prices were around the same level. This is where the confusion begins. I entered the DAX order and then waited. It opened and we were in the trade. At a similar time the FTSE order was also entered. The problem was however, I didn't realise the DAX had not actually triggered a signal, as per my strategy, instead I had gotten in because I confused the entry prices of both markets. This meant I got stopped out and then I Flipped the Switch. This also failed and not soon after I got another signal. I took the trade and eventually got stopped out again. However, it was at this point I realised my error, but it was too late. This error had cost me 35 actual points, and when you factor in the correct trades (I lost 15 points but then made them back with the correct FTS trade) it was a total swing of 50 points.
I was heartbroken and then of course I struggled a little after that to maintain focus, so I decided to stop trading. The end result is on a week where my strategy returned a 19 point loss, I was actually down 83 which basically wiped out the week before's profit. On that note I have done a summary of the year so far and it is not good (blog post to follow).
Well, let's just say that this week my focus is a little better and now I check and double check entry, and stop prices before submitting the order. As long as I learn that is the most important thing.