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Easy come...easy go

So last week was my winningest week so far, and this week...was not LOL

This week was a strange week in the markets and one which my strategy does fair well in. It quite often will whipsaw me into trades and then stop me out, but, that is trading. What separates a great trader from an okay trader, a consistent winner from a consistent loser is the ability to lose, and to accept that loss.

Not only that, but to continue to trade your strategy even though it is returning losing trade after losing trade. You have to have the belief in your strategy and just ride the waves. As Robert H Schuller said -

"Tough times never last, but tough people do."

It some it up perfectly. Now, I have to be honest. On Friday I did trade for longer than usual and I think this was because I was only 20 points down and so decided I would carry on. Whether this was subconsciously because I wanted to book a win, I'll never know, but I did waiver ever so slightly and took a silly trade which I haven't done for a good few weeks, and whilst I only dropped 4 points on it, it was the fact I took it that frustrated me a lot more. But, I smiled afterwards because I accept the fact I am human, I am still learning (especially about myself as a trader), and it has only been in these last few weeks that I have truly applied myself and my commitment to my strategy, so these things can and will happen.


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