It was Thanks Giving in the US this week and it showed in the markets on Thursday and Friday. It was very slow going, so much so that after having had a trade open for 30+ minutes, and it slowly moving back to my entry point, I decided discresion was the better part of valor, and closed it for BE and went to the gym early. This resulted in me missing by mere minutes, a snap breakdown in the FTSE for 16 points though....
I traded Friday expecting it to be back to normal but I guess a lot of potentially hungover Americans didn't get up or stay up to trade the EU and so it was pretty much the same as Thursday. In fact Friday I experienced the opposite side of the FTSE snap and lost 3 points to slippage. The first time I can honestly recall this happening. Bit of a bugger when you were only on track to make 7 points for your morning, but, that's trading.
I did however trade very well. I traded my strateg, I Flipped the Switch like a pro when I was stopped out, I used my exit strategy. So all in all, a loss but a loss that has progress concealed within.