And not one like I used to get as a kid which all kinds of amazing 'penny' sweets in it. No. It was an interesting week and one in which I again promised myself I would stick to my strategy 100%, only to fail. Again. But, as I say with most of these updates now, I have come away learning something new about myself.
The old me is still there, lurking in the shadows and occasionally reaching out and placing a FOMO trade, or snap closing a trade early before the conscious me has even realised. But that old me is weakening with every week that passes. Everytime he makes an appearance I am a little more ready to fight him and thwart his attempts to derail my trading and undermine my discipline. I will beat him and when I do he will be banished forever from the kingdom. But until that day comes, I just have to keep training. Keep practising. Keep fighting and be alert at all times to what or who is lurking in my mental shadows.