As I said in my last update I am so close to being a good trader, but there are still too many what I consider, schoolboy errors that I still make. Things like Flipping the Switch, making back almost my entire prior loss, only to hold the trade for no other reason than greed because I want to get back to even on the morning, only to watch it suddenly spike and wipe out all my unrealised profits, forcing me to close it for Breakeven. That's emotional trading. That's no good. Missing ADD's because I am watching the other market, and then hesitating because it is 1 or 2 points passed my desired entry. That's emotional trading. Again, that's no good. Losing focus when I am down. That's emotional. That's no good. It's been almost two years since I started trading and just as I feel like I'm making serious progress, errors like those above creep in and I feel somewhat deflated because in my mind I am experienced enough to not be making them.