As I write this I am a 48 year old man, who lives in a shared house in a crappy town, has a job he hates, and if nothing changes, see's only a miserable monotonous dead-end life.
But in the words of the great Martin Luther King "I have a dream..."
My dream is simple. To become a MILLIONAIRE through day trading. As if that wasn't difficult enough, all starting from scratch and from an initial deposit of just £1000.
My only experience up until now of dealing in the stock market, was when I deposited £1000 into a Hargreaves Lansdown account around two and half years ago. I have never placed a 'real money' day trade.
How ever, this blog is not going to be about making solid regular investments each month until the magic of compounding strikes.
No. This blog is about my journey into the world of Day Trading. Learning as I go as much as I can, with a particular focus on Price Action using 'naked charts'. That means no indicators, no EMA's, no volume, nothing. Just the candles and the information they alone provide.
Whilst there are many, many other blogs out there dedicated to day trading, some of which I have no doubt will be much more intellectually stimulating, and most likely better written, this one is different.
As I start my blog, I am simultaneously starting my journey.
A lot of the other blogs are written by people who have already made it. They are people who have an established day trading track record. Who've written books on day trading. Who have been trading a great number of years and so already have the experience, and the knowledge, and now use this to teach others through expensive courses.
I don't.
I suppose you could say that I am on the bottom rung of a very tall ladder, but as I'm yet to make a single 'live' trade with real money and have only just started learning, more realistically you could say I don't even own a ladder.
So if you've gotten this far and it's peaked your curiousity, then join me. Live each success and no doubt each failure as they happen, in real time. Learn as I learn from the very beginning and see just what it takes for an average guy with an average intellect, to change his oh so average life and achieve his dream, one trade at a time.